Contacts | Newsletter
- To promote the visibility of the artistic potential of people with disabilities; - To sensitize the local community to the problems of people with disabilities, through a positive approach to the image of people with disabilities, which is not based on the assistentialist vision and which breaks with negative stereotypes; - To promote the contact of beneficiaries with disabilities with different cultural contexts.
- Fashion photography production - Events of the regional cultural program - "Inclusion through Art" Show - Dance performance - Sculpture Group Exhibition - Music Program
Target Population
The direct beneficiaries of the project will be around 40 young people and adults with intellectual disabilities and around 30 children and young people involved in artistic activities in the municipality of Tavira. The beneficiaries will be of both genders and various socio-economic levels. There will also be indirect beneficiaries around 300 people from the community in the scope of the exhibitions and shows to be developed.
January to December 2021
Associação Teia D’Impulsos
"Sentir a Dança" project with D'Dance Company