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Resources Center
The Irene Rolo Foundation is accredited as a Local Resource Center of the IEFP network. It constitutes a support structure in the field of Professional Rehabilitation, acting in the intervention of the Employment Service of Vila Real de Santo António, whenever a specialized intervention is needed in the context of the Personal Employment Plan defined for each recipient with disability and incapacity.
Information, Evaluation and Guidance for Qualification and Employment PURPOSE: To support people with disabilities in making appropriate vocational decisions, making available the necessary information for that purpose, promoting the evaluation of their functionality and disability and determining the means and support deemed indispensable for defining and developing their personal employment plan. DESTINATORS: People with disabilities and incapacity, unemployed or looking for their first job, or employed registered and referred by IEFP. Placement Assistance PURPOSE: To promote the placement of people with disabilities in the labor market through a process of mediation between people and employers. DESTINATORS: People with disabilities, unemployed or employed persons who wish to change jobs, registered and referred by IEFP; Employers who intend to employ disabled and incapacitated workers. Post Placement Follow-up PURPOSE: Provide technical support to workers with disabilities and their employers, with a view to the maintenance in employment and career progression, through specialized interventions in the field of professional rehabilitation. DESTINATORS: Disabled and incapacitated workers, self-employed or employed, who need support to maintain or progress in employment, registered and referred by the IEFP; Employers who employ disabled and incapacitated workers, under the normal regime or under the supported employment regime or Employment-Insertion Contract (CEI) for people with disabilities or maintain in their service workers who have acquired disabilities.
Multidisciplinary technical team: psychologist, occupational therapist, social worker, specialized doctors according to the intervention to be performed.