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The Tavira Integra + Project, promoted by the Irene Rolo Foundation, in partnership with the Municipality of Tavira, financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund – FAMI and the High Commission for Migrations, I.P., organizes the Festival of Shows and Flavors that will take place at church square in Luz de Tavira, on October 27th from 5pm to 10pm.
This initiative is included in the activities to be developed by the Tavira Integra + Project, and its main objective is to promote the inclusion of the immigrant population in the municipality of Tavira. The event will be held in Luz de Tavira, a parish that welcomes a large number of immigrants among its inhabitants, and it will be open to the entire community, promoting cultural and gastronomic sharing for everyone involved.
To be part of this event, simply prepare a dish of your choice and join us for a shared snack, to the sounds of musician Ângelo Correia. This project’s action plan has already managed to involve around 300 immigrants in its activities, including Portuguese language workshops for foreigners, training in different areas, thematic workshops, activities of a cultural and sports, awareness/information actions, among others.
The project team believes that to promote inclusion it is essential to invest in activities that promote moments of leisure, where interaction and cultural sharing happen naturally, not only among immigrants, but throughout the community.