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The Irene Rolo Foundation will host a dance show on April 19th, at 9:30 pm, at its facilities. It will be an opportunity to celebrate the values of April, in the year in which we celebrate 50 years of democracy, and to mark another anniversary of the Irene Rolo Foundation.
The following will participate in the initiative: Academia de Música de Tavira, Conservatório de Musica de Olhão, D’Dance Company, Fundação Irene Rolo (Center for Activities and Training for Inclusion) and Toca a Dançar – Artistic dance activity adapted and inclusive for everyone.
The Foundation invites the entire community to participate in this initiative, highlighting that it is important to celebrate the achievements associated with April 25th, particularly with regard to the rights of people with disabilities, with our eyes on the path that remains to be taken towards full inclusion.