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By supporting our cause, you are helping to improve the quality of life of our customers, whether they are people with disabilities or other people in the community in situation of economic vulnerability. For the year 2022 the Irene Rolo Foundation decided that the donations obtained will be applied in the following improvement actions: - Heating of the swimming pool locker rooms enabling activities in the water during the winter; - Free attendance of the Summer Camp for children with disabilities or vulnerable children of our municipality;- Replacement of articulated beds and mattresses in our Residential Home in order to guarantee better comfort for the users; - Acquisition of computer equipment for use with our users.
With the donations obtained in 2021 we carried out the following actions: - Free attendance at the Alcatruz+ Holiday Camp for children in vulnerable situations; - Acquisition of 10 tablets for the development of computer and communication skills with the Occupational Activities team during periods of confinement due to Covid-19; - Donation to vulnerable families of food and personal hygiene goods, particularly in the confinement period, due to the Covid-19 pandemic context.